Clean Cities Coalition
The mission of the Houston Galveston Clean Cities Coalition (HGCCC) is to reduce air pollution through the displacement of petroleum by promoting and facilitating the usage of alternative fuels, advanced vehicle technologies, and fuel conservation strategies.
The HGCCC was originally created in 1997. It is one of almost 100 DOE-designated Clean Cities Coalitions across the nation that participates in the national Clean Cities Program. The Coalition is a fuel neutral organization, housed and staffed by the Houston-Galveston Area Council’s air quality group. Funding, education, and outreach benefits both our region's air quality and economy.
Primarily, the HGCCC promotes advanced transportation solutions through outreach and education activities. The HGCCC catalyzes, connects, and facilitates implementation of alternative fuels and advanced vehicles. The Coalition works closely with H-GAC's Clean Vehicles Program and other funding initiatives to assist organizations secure funding for projects.
The HGCCC abides by a set of Organizational-Principles-and-Procedures, adopted on October 22, 2008. Membership in the HGCCC is open to any individual or organization who supports the Coalition's mission statement. To join please complete the membership form
Membership-Form - For individuals and organizations who would like to participate as Houston Galveston Clean Cities Coalition Supporters or Stakeholders.
HGCCC also has a form for those who would like to partner on future grant projects. This form does not require a commitment, but does inform the Coalition of potential partnerships for grants and project opportunities. Potential partners will be considered for and informed of future partnership on grant proposals.
Partnership Form - For those who would like to indicate their interest in grant opportunities and partnerships with H-GAC and the Houston Galveston Clean Cities Coalition.
The HGCCC meets on a quarterly basis and conducts a regional annual survey. For more information, please contact the Clean Cities Coordinator at