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$84 Million Funding for Technologically Advanced Transit Buses – deadline is June 18, 2018

FTA today announced the opportunity for its grantees to apply for up to $84.45 million in competitive grant funds through FTA’s Low or No Emission (Low-No) Bus Program. The Low-No Program supports projects sponsored by local transit agencies to bring advanced, American-made bus technologies such as battery electric power and hydrogen fuel cells into service nationwide. FTA will […]

FHWA Makes Available $60 Million for Advanced Transportation Technologies Grants – Application due June 18, 2018

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) today published a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for states, cities and other agencies to compete for $60 million in Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment Program (ATCMTD) grants to fund new technologies that improve transportation efficiency and safety. “These grants promote the use of cutting-edge technology to improve safety […]